[This article belongs to Volume - 47, Issue - 04]

Research review on Hybrid Solar-Thermal Air Conditioner used to Cooling by Vacuum Tube Collectors

The solar thermal heating and cooling by eat in the ground energy system is widely utilized. One of the most effective systems currently in use, the solar cooling system is also one of the healthiest and least destructive. Inside, a vacuum solar collector takes in the sun's rays and uses them to warm a fluid. A copper coil inside the accumulator transfers heat to the refrigerant as it travels through the compressor. After being heated, the refrigerant undergoes a cooling cycle within the system. Because the sun's energy is being used to its maximum potential, smaller compressors may be used, leading to greater energy efficiency. One of the primary parts of this AC unit is a four-way heat exchanger. As compared to a standard V-type or flat plate heat exchanger, the effective heat area is enhanced by 20-30%, dramatically enhancing the cooling efficiency. A comprehensive review of research on solar cooling hybrids and their applications is provided here.
