[This article belongs to Volume - 48, Issue - 03]


Robotic exoskeletons have garnered significant attention and continue to be commonly used as a rehabilitative intervention for diverse physical disabilities. These devices offer aid and support in order to enhance the functional capabilities of patients and facilitate their treatment. This article offers a concise overview of the evolutionary trajectory of robotic exoskeletons, tracing their inception in historical contexts to the latest advancements in this domain. The field of robotic exoskeletons has undergone extensive research, resulting in the advancement of three generations of exoskeleton technology. These advancements aim to enhance the efficacy of exoskeletons in the context of rehabilitation, with the ultimate goal of improving the well-being of individuals afflicted by severe or degenerative disabilities, as well as those suffering cognitive-motor difficulties. This review provides a summary of the medical demands, historical development, classification, applications, and treatment modalities of robotic exoskeletons along with the design implementation in a clear and informative manner.
